Case Study: Tessitore


A brand that is entirely fresh and new with its identity book

A website under construction for a unique handmade shoe-making process

My role

Art director and Product designer

Team: Company Owner, Projects Designer, Photographer, UI/UX Designer, and I

Who is Tessitore?

Tessitore is a Colombian luxury shoe brand that specializes in crafting custom-made shoes for both men and women, with a strong emphasis on attention to detail, quality craftsmanship, and exquisite materials.

Tailor-made shoe pair crafted for Tessitore.


Branding and Design Process

Tessitore's values embrace exceptional quality, comfort, and luxury. Our primary clientele consists of individuals who seek both elegance and the freedom to move with ease.



Brand elements: Color Palette, typography and logo

Each element was carefully selected following an extensive analysis of the brand and thorough revisions with the client.

Brand logo

Tessitore’s editorial



We needed an easy and affordable way to help customers with the measurement process. That's why I developed this set of illustrations and implemented a guided system on the website.


Less is more

We explored different approaches, such as having clients take pictures of their feet and employing advanced technology for 3D modeling. However, these methods were neither cost-effective nor practical, often causing confusion in implementation and allowing too much room for error. This led us to discover that a simpler approach emerged as the most effective solution.

Initial prototypes of the process; this screen will undergo changes to enhance usability features such as a progress bar and more.


Measurement user journey for a new user.


  • Our users should have the ability to adjust any information as needed to ensure that the product they receive matches their expectations. At Tessitore, we aim to be transparent and reliable.

  • Users can save their information and resume later by choosing the option to create an account.

  • Users will encounter confirmation screens to instill a sense of security.

User journey


Next steps

As the website development advances, I will undergo several iterations to ensure the optimal experience for both users and clients. The design system and certain UI elements are still in development to align more closely with the brand's vision.

What I have learned

  • Having more technology doesn't necessarily mean a better product.

  • Simplicity is key; users appreciate systems that are easy to understand and well-guided over overly produced designs.

  • In e-commerce, it's vital to cater to diverse audiences, including grandparents seeking unique gifts or distinctive products for themselves. The website and mobile version should be inclusive, not discriminating based on tech-savviness; they should be accessible to everyone.

  • As a product designer, I need to be mindful of the various computers, phones, tablets, and devices that users might employ to access my products.


Thank you for reviewing my project. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to email me.


Coming Soon: Fund For Peace


Case Study: ICAF