Arlington Public Library


Education services


The current mobile app of the Arlington Public Library poses several challenges for users and fails to meet the requirements for a multicultural and multilingual environment.

My role: Lead UX Researcher and Designer

Time: 6 months

Tools: Figma, Adobe Suite, Video conference services, multiple cellphone devices and other.


  • To determine the level of satisfaction on similar apps

    To determine if the app will incentive users to use the public library resources.

    To determine how accessible is the app

  • Explore the demographics of Arlington's population and assess how this demographic is represented in the app.

    Identify and analyze any existing pain points.

  • Reevaluate the color scheme, typography, and graphic elements.

    Perform a Heuristics Evaluation to identify areas for improvement within the existing app.

    Develop and test user flows for the most intricate actions already identified in previous research.

    Conduct two rounds of usability studies to pinpoint problematic areas and propose design solutions.

Arlington County in Northern Virginia has a diverse population. As a resident, I found the Arlington Public Library app a bit challenging to use. Consequently, I chose to conduct an experiment to identify issues and assist fellow residents. This initiative ultimately inspired me to redesign the app.



Who resides in this place, and what language do they use?

As part of my research, I needed to gather actual data about Arlington's population to determine the most spoken languages. English emerged as the primary language, followed by Spanish and various Asian languages like Filipino and Vietnamese.

I utilized data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other resources available on Arlington County's official website.

Let me introduce you to Neelam


A working mom and professional seeking a dependable backup for her researched books. Her hectic schedule sometimes results in forgetting important materials, making retrieval challenging due to a lack of traceability. Additionally, she requires an improved method to check material availability.

Exploring Neelam's experience highlights the necessity for a dedicated platform to access past research materials. It also raises concerns about accessibility, particularly in sections containing only images without accompanying text or captions to describe resources.

Development of new features:

Neelam had a few tasks to accomplish in order to locate some previously accessed resources at the library.


I created wireframes to outline the main screens I was going to start working on

Afterward, I began crafting potential user flows, drawing inspiration from research conducted on other library apps.

Once I confirmed that I had obtained clear information and outlined the details, I proceeded to design the high-fidelity prototype in Figma to initiate testing.


At this point, the app had progressed through the initial design phases, evolving from wireframes to low fidelity and high fidelity designs in Figma. This progression enabled me to initiate usability testing.

Neelam’s testing session

First screen for new users of the app

New app’s home screen

New app’s events feature

First iterations and first mistakes

I recognized the necessity to raffinate the user flows before proceeding with testing with other users. I noticed that Neelam consistently encountered difficulties in completing the tasks I had assigned for her.

Illustrating fist user flows

Converting first user flows to charts to work with

Heuristics and Usability Findings

I conducted heuristics and usability studies on often overlooked sections of the app, such as language, profile, and checkout areas.

Here are some of the findings, if you desire to know more, don’t hesitate to contact me.

The landing page redesign illustrates that accessible design doesn't have to be dull. I incorporated essential information into the top bar, displaying the user's default library location. Additionally, I revamped the profile screen to include personalization features and other important options, such as self-information management.

The usability study revealed that non-native speaker users required the language setting to be the first action upon opening the app; otherwise, they would feel disoriented and lose interest.

To access the material or book description, users had to click 3 to 4 times on items, resulting in a lengthy and frustrating process. This screen did not adhere to accessibility requirements, lacking text, descriptions, or any guidance besides the picture.

Fortunately, the solution I proposed for this feature became a favorite among users in the recent round of interviews.


I emphasized a more inclusive color palette, improved UI elements like confirmation messages, and developed distinct states for various actions.

Menus and states

Confirmation boxes

Color palette and typo

Experience the prototype!


  • The aim of this case study was to emphasize the significance of public system services and accessibility. It showcased potential enhancements through the analysis of real data and the study of actual scenarios.

  • Drawing from real data, it's evident that approximately 15 percent of Arlington County residents speak Spanish, and there's a notable presence of unaccounted-for Asian languages. Implementing additional measures becomes crucial to ensure equal access for all residents, as the public library provides valuable resources that might otherwise be challenging to access.

  • There are numerous features yet to be explored, necessitating new research and implementation. This applies not only to the app but also to the website and all screen systems within the library.

    A dark mode and accessibility settings are required for future improvements.

Thank you!

While this story has concluded, there's more to discover. Connect with me on this site or through my socials to explore how I'm making an impact on the world.